Unleash the power of data.
“WDL’s big potential is to understand everyone in the world, as individuals, in terms of their age, gender, incomes, and location.”Homi Kharas, The Brookings Institution
Over 3 Mio
Since 2016, we have been a part of the World Data Lab network. We contribute our expertise in entrepreneurial thinking and digital product development.
Together we are building innovative products that translate and transport data models. Our web tools provide real-time income and demographic projections for every individual in the world. World Data Lab has been making waves since it’s inception with it’s debut platform, population.io.
Birthdate and country are enough information to calculate the life expectancy of any person in just a few seconds. To date, we have received over 3 million visits and numerous mentions and endorsements, including Bill Gates on Facebook. We are currently working on a web tool that uses income and demographic data to help both the private and public sector to identify new markets and target groups.
WDL’s second product - the World Poverty Clock - monitors the progress of achieving the UN’s first Sustainable Development Goal (SDG1) - ending extreme poverty for everyone.
Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany we’ve built a live-ticking “World Poverty Clock.” In 2017, the tool received international attention and honor at the annual United Nations General Assembly in New York.
The cross-country network behind World Data Lab unifies experts from diverse fields. Every time we have our global call, it is a thrilling reminder of how special it is to be a part of this unique network of world-leading economists like Homi Kharas, global government leaders, and more. We all share the same vision and work towards the same mission – to make data-driven decision-making a reality for any kind of user.

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“This site is fascinating - you plug in your birthdate,Bill Gates
country, etc. and see where you fit in the world.“